Monday, October 30, 2006

Look up

" I will lift up my eyes to the mountains...from where shall my help come? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. "
from Psalm 121
Iyan ang paborito kong verse - Psalm 121.
I - maganda yun mga may personal pronoun na stament, para bang ikaw talaga yun nagsasalita, personalized.
will - future tense, hindi lang isang circumstance ka makaka relate, pwede pa sa mga future events sa buhay-buhay.
lift up - a reminder whenever I am down and no one is around... the best thing to do is to look up.
my eyes - sabi nga "the eye is the window of the soul", it is beyond looking... it is "seeing"... and literally, whatever you constantly see - it will seep into your mind and will dwell into your heart... which in turn will become the "you" in the sight of others.
to the mountains - being on top of the mountain is like you have overcome the life's half-way struggles and last stretch hurdles... it's like seeing things on a higher perspective - hindi yun mga nakakapagod na detalye ng mundo... and even more, it's like you have conquered yourself.
from where shall my help come?
tanong na hindi nasagot ni nasirang Ernie Baron, kahit may program s'yang Knowledge Power
My help comes from the Lord...
eto ang malinamnam sanang sagot na hindi malasahan ng ibang tao.. bakit kaya?
at ito ang matindi sa lahat
...the maker of heaven and earth.
mahirap yata kontrahin yan.
Yan aleng nakatalikod sa picture na may dalang tungkod - sempre ako yan, sa Mt Pulag pa din. Nakatunganga na naman ako sa ganda ng Pilipinas, nakanganga, as usual, pero hindi na tulo-laway... kirot-tuhod naman - yun ang purpose ng cane na dala nung ale.


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